Category: coastal camping


What links all these magnificent environments I’ve been blessed to visit? The common thread?  Birds. Their song, while vocally unique to their breed, are joyous, unsolicited and a call to all to stop what we’re doing and listen. If you do, for more than… Continue Reading “Eclipse”

With new eyes

Celluloid images—about family, friends, departed loved ones—flash, flash, FLASH across my mind’s movie screen. When I walk. When I drive. When I talk to people. When I’m at the grocery store. When I read. When I listen to music.  Run, run to the laptop, my… Continue Reading “With new eyes”

The Gift of Change

My new, next life begins today.  I’m sitting at the edge of San Simeon Creek alongside the best campsite I have ever had watching the ducks and native birds enjoy the early evening sun. I am in my happy place. Another happy place. I left Happy… Continue Reading “The Gift of Change”